Biosecurity importance

Approved by Dr. John Carr

As a pet potbellied pig owner, keeping your pet pig healthy is a top priority. Your pet pig can become sick, or even die, from exposure to just a few unseen bacteria, viruses or parasites. In a single day, these germs can multiply and infect your pet pig. However, you can take measures to keep your pet safe from germs by creating and following a biosecurity plan. There are times when biosecurity measures must be followed such as traveling with your pig. You can read more about travel guidelines by clicking here.

What is Biosecurity?
Biosecurity is defined as a set of procedures that are executed to prevent new diseases from entering the premises where a pet pig or pigs are kept and/or housed. There are two basic concepts that affect the safety of pet pigs:
– Proactive measures which keep new diseases from being introduced
– Reactive measures to take should a disease or suspected disease appear

How Can I Create a Biosecurity Plan?
Pet pig owners should have and maintain a good working relationship with a veterinarian who is willing to provide medical care for their pet pig(s). A veterinarian can help advise a pig owner on what precautionary measures should be implemented to keep their pet pig(s) healthy and disease-free. In the event that a pig owner is faced with an unforeseen medical issue or disease, a veterinarian can help the pig owner to follow the NAPPA Biosecurity Guidelines and Checklists. Our recommendation is to ensure any other pig that will be in close quarters to your pig have appropriate blood work excluding them from the major diseases that can be passed along to your pet pig. Do NOT take your pig to farms or other organizations where disease can be spread. If you do go to another place that has pigs, bring a change of clothes and shower before you touch your pig once you are home. Simple hand washing and planning ahead can save you a lot of heartache.

Important Information
Pet Pigs:
Health Issues:____________________________________________________________
Health Issues:____________________________________________________________
Health Issue:_____________________________________________________________

Phone Number:________________________
Emergency Number:____________________


Keep Your Pets Safe
Be prepared… Develop an emergency plan with your veterinarian. Any of these dangers may require emergency care.
– Predators are everywhere, including your own backyard. Different regions have different species of predators.
– Fences WON’T keep them out. Be sure fencing is secure to lessen the chances, but know what may be lurking in your backyard or surrounding areas.
– Depending on your location predators may vary. Here is a partial list:

Mountain Lion
Even neighbors