New pet pig shopping checklist
- leash, harness
- potbellied pig food & treats
- food & water bowls
- crate
- baby gates
- toys
- dog bed, blankets
- brush- equine type
- shampoo
- sunscreen
- ramp *
Pig proofing your home checklist
- electrical cords & phone charger
- trash cans kitchen, bathroom, office
- houseplants
- people food
- medicine bottles
- cleaning supplies
- backyard fences
- plants, lawn chemicals
- garage chemicals
How to teach your pet pig to use a ramp*
Put a harness and leash and take them to your car door with ramp. Place one treat on the bottom of the ramp. Tell your pet pig to “get treat”. Place another treat a little further up the ramp. As soon as they walk up the ramp to eat the treat praise them for each step walking up the ramp. Continue until your pet pig climbs to the top of the ramp.
Teaching your pet pig to walk down the ramp by using the same direction as they walked up the ramp.
Bringing your adopted pet pig home. The first thing most people want to do is show off their new pig. But NAPPA encourages you to take it slow, your pet pig has been through a lot and it’s very stressful. Give your new pet pig time to decompress.
The common milestone your pet pig will be the first 3 days after bringing them home from the rescue.
Keep your pig in a crate for all car rides.
Keep existing pets separated from your new pet pig.
Create a routine from day one.
Stay calm, be patient and read about the 3-3-3 rule.
The 3 day, 3 weeks, 3 months Rule
In the first 3 days, your new pet pig will be overwhelmed with their new surroundings. Let them walk up to you as they may be scared and unsure what is going on.
After 3 weeks, your new pet pig will be settling in, feeling more comfortable, and realizing this will be their forever home. They have figured out their environment and have an established routine that you have set. Behavior issues may start showing, this is your time to be a strong leader and show them what is right and wrong.
After 3 months, your pet pig is now completely comfortable in their home. You have built trust and a true bond with your pet pig, which gives them a complete sense of security with you
The 3-3-3 rule is a general guideline, every pet pig is unique and will adjust differently. Give your pet pig space and allow them to go on their own pace.