Developed with and approved by a qualified veterinarian- Dr. John Carr BVSc PhD DPM Dip ECPHM MRCVS
A well balance potbelly pig diet consists of:
- High –quality potbellied food such as Dr. Coles mini pig feed is the best for dry skin/hooves and male urinary tracks, Mazuri mini pig food for male urinary tracks.
- Washed vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, grapes, apples, and broccoli.
- Limited amounts of fruits.
- Clean, fresh water, changed daily
- Avoid snacks and foods with salt added
- Chewable kids vitamin without iron for ages 1- 8 years of age
- Men’s adult vitamin for pet pigs 8 years of age and older including female pigs
- When over 6 months of age feed about 1% of your pigs bodyweight
If you are in doubt, call your vet. Always follow their advice
The living conditions of the pet pig are left up to the pet owner to determine on their family needs. The vast majority of miniature pigs spend at least part of their day as inside house pets. Some are let outside to go to the bathroom, to spend some time grazing and lie in the sun. Some pigs live outside all the time and a few pigs are kept exclusively in the house with little to no outside time. Pigs are adaptable, but they do much better if they have the same routine every day.
- Indoor environment for your pig is one in which they are kept away from drafts and given blankets.
- Outdoor environment for your pig living in the backyard needs fencing strong enough and high enough to make sure the pig does not wander off. Providing your pig with shelter to protect them from the elements and from the sun and cold
- Pigs acclimate well to average temperatures, not to exceed 80 degrees F, be cautious of extreme temperature changes. Pigs should never be in direct sunlight without sunscreen or in drafty area.
If you are in doubt, call your vet. Always follow their advice
Normal Behavior and Characteristics
Always balance consistency and variety in your relationship with your miniature pig.
- For consistency, you need to tell your pig “the how and where” you expect a behavior to be done.
- Use rewards that your pig likes
- For variety, you will need to vary when you ask for and behavior and when you will reward your pig.
- Your pig will look forward to working with you and you will create an interest in learning
- Your attitude must be consistent
- To gain your pig’s respect and attention you must focus your positive attention on them with the same consistency during every training session.
- You cannot praise your pig for doing a behavior correctly and also snuggle them when they have done it poorly.
- Do not ask for the same behavior in a row all the time. You become boring and your pig will challenge your expectations.
- You are the leader so you must be one step ahead of your pig in keeping your training interesting.
- Teaching your pig tricks is an excellent way to build a good relationship and at the same time maintain your dominant position in your pig’s herd.
Characteristics of the pet pig
Vietnamese pot belly pigs have become a popular pet due to their gentle nature, amazing intelligence and appearance. In addition to the well-known pot belly pig, other breeds such as Juliana pigs and kunekune pigs have also become popular choices among owners as household pets. The general physical characteristics of a pet pig are an exaggerated round stomach, short legs, swayed back, and continuously wagging straight tail. On their small heads are short, erect ears and a short to medium length nose.
If you are in doubt, call your vet. Always follow their advice.
All pigs love to be brushed and rubbed, and they also like water.
- Pigs are naturally clean animals, with a tendency towards dry skin
- Bathe with a shampoo once every six weeks, because the shampoo can cause their skin to become too dry.
- Due to the nature of their dry skin, with less body oils, they normally do not have a body odor, even when wet
- Pigs have a natural love of water
- Do not bathe your pig using baby shampoo or dog or cat shampoo. It causes your pig’s skin to become too dry.
- Use a non-fragrant human shampoo, horse shampoo, or one formulated for potbellied pigs.
- Do not apply external oils to your pig; they actually defeat the good attribute your pig has of not having body odor. Oils will contribute to your pig’s skin retaining unwanted dirt and growing more bacteria that causes your pig to smell and to have the need for more frequent bathing and more dry skin problems.
Dry Skin
- If your pet pig has extraordinarily dry skin, which is constantly flaking off, check your pig’s diet. Your pet pig needs to eat a good quality and nutritious potbellied pig food. You can add vegetables to your pig’s diet.
- Your pig needs outside grazing time
- The other contributing factor to poor skin is mange.
- Your pig has hair, not fur.
Insect Repellant and dry skin care:
- 8-oz. Avon skin so soft bath
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 2 cups of water
Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well and spray as needed on your pet pig
If you are in doubt, call your vet. Always follow their advice.
Signs of a healthy animal
- Active, alert and sociable
- Eats and drinks regularly
- Healthy hair
- Walks normally
- Communicates by having a complex vocabulary they make a variety of sounds including grunting, barking, snorting, and squealing
If you are in doubt, call your vet. Always follow their advice.